Booking terms
General information about booking accommodation at DCU’s campsites.
Sales and delivery
Below you will find useful information when booking your stay at one of DCU's campsites. You can read about how we process your information, how to receive a receipt for a purchase etc.
Information about trading on the Internet
You can shop safely in DCU's booking system. As a customer, you are basically protected in relation to any misuse of your credit card online. Therefore, there is no deductible for misusing your debit card via the Internet. You can read more about how you as a consumer should relate to payments online at the following websites: www.betaling.dk, www.fdih.dk.
All prices are in Danish kroner including VAT and taxes unless otherwise stated.
Payment is made by kdebit / credit card for online booking, including Visa and Mastercard.
Shipping fee
For stays booked online, no handling fee will be charged. If the same stay is booked by telephone or email, a fee per booking will be waived if the stay cannot be booked online.
Payment rules for tenants
Season | Prepayment | Not a DCU member: The remaining amout is paid | DCU member: The remaining amount is paid |
Pre-season | DKK 1.000,- paid on departure the yar before, but no later than November 1st the year before. | 45 days before arrival | upon arrival |
Whole season | DKK 2.000,- paid on departure the year before, but no later than November 1st the year before. | 45 days before arrival | upon arrival |
Post-season | DKK 1.000,- paid the year before or no later than July 1st of the same year. | 45 days before arrival | upon arrival |
Winter season | DKK 500,- paid on departure of previous winter season, however, no later than July 1st of the same year. | 45 days before arrival | upon arrival |
Payment rules for rental/units
Unit | Prepayment | Not a DCU member: The remaining amout is paid | DCU member: The remaining amout is paid |
Cabin | DKK 300,- when booking | 45 days before arrival | 45 days before arrival |
Mobil Home | DKK 300,- when booking | 45 days before arrival | 45 days before arrival |
Glamping tent | DKK 300,- when booking | 45 days before arrival | 45 days before arrival |
Unit | DKK 300,- when booking, however, the maximum booking price | 45 days before arrival | upon arrival |
Rules and payment for cleaning are stated on the booking confirmation.
Payment reminders are sent out according to the following structure
This does not apply to DCU members who book a unit.
Payment reminder 1 | 40 days before arrival |
Payment reminder 2 | 35 days before arrival |
Cancellation of reservation | 30 days before arrival |
Change of booking
To change the booking, please contact the campsite.
Shipping and delivery
When booking and paying for a cabin, a mobile home, a place for your own tent, or a place for your own caravan/motorhome etc., you will receive a booking confirmation from the campsite, in which the accounts for your purchase appear. The confirmation can be printed out from the website after the booking has been completed. We will also send the booking confirmation to the e-mail you provided in the booking creation.
Delivery of the booked stay takse place on arrival at the campsite on the day of the arrival (and ends on departure on the day of departure). Both of these times are stated in the above confirmation. The booked stay can not be transferred to others or excanged for cash.
Right of withdrawal and refund
Right og withdrawal and reimbursement for tenants
As a permanent resident, you have the option of canceling your booking on the following terms:
- If canceled more than 30 days before the arrival, the full package price will be refunded, however the prepayment will be deducted as a cancellation fee.
- If canceled between 30 days and 14 days before arrival, 50 % of the price of the stay will be refunded, except for the advance payment, which is deducted as a cancellation fee.
- If canceled less than 14 days before arrival, no refund will be given.
If you have started your stay with us, the booked period is binding and can not be transferred to others.
Right of withdrawal and refund for rental/units
You have the option to cancel your booking on the following terms:
- If canceled between 30 days before arrival, the full package price will be refunded, however, the prepayment will be deducted as a cancellation fee.
- If canceled between 30 days and 14 days before arrival, 50 % of the price of the stay will be refunded, except for the advance ppayment, which is deducted as a cancellation fee.
- If canceled less than 14 days before arrival, no refund will be given.
If you have started your stay, the booked period is binding and can not be transferred to others or refunded.
If a stay cannot be completed due to a labor dispute, the amount paid will be refunded.
Registration of information
The campsite registers your name, address, e-mail and other information submitted in connection with the purchase in DCU's customer directory. The information is not passed on, but the campsite retains the registration for 5 years.
The campsite uses cookoies and a secure connection to create security about the information you provide on the site.
When paying with credit card, the registration is done via secure server, where the information is encrypted before it is sent over the Internet.
The campsite reserves the right to make obvious errors in online booking, so it is always the stated prices on the website that apply.
Complaint processing
If for any reason you do not receive your confirmation and you have not received an error message from the system, then you should contact the camsite directly.
Complaints about the booking process, the booking itself or the product (stay) must be made within a reasonable time after you have discovered the error or should have discovered the error by regular review of your confirmation. You can complain in writing or orally. One year after receipt of the goods (the stay), the right to complain ceases in accordance with the Danish Purchase Act §83, stk. 1, unless otherwise agreed.
When the campsite receives your complaint about a benefit (stay), the complaint will be processed as soon as possible.
The campsite will decide whether the received service (stay) shuold be refunded, exchanged or whether a price reduction should be given.